All the co-hosts join as we celebrate the 100th Inside Out Money podcast episode. We have lots of news to share, from who just got laid off to what’s happened with all of us over the last 100 episodes. We share milestones, lessons learned, appreciation for our listeners, and more!Â
All the co-hosts join this week’s podcast as we talk about:
– What we have each learned over the last 100 episodesÂ
– Key milestones we’ve each experienced since launch
– Who just got laid off from their job
– Who is taking a step back from the podcastÂ
– The top 10 episodes since we launched
– A huge thank you to all of our listeners and supportersÂ
Show References:
- Inside Out Money episode #022 – How much do you need to retire? Flaws in the 4% rule
- Inside Out Money episode #011 – Die with Zero: 5 takeaways from the anti-frugal book
- Inside Out Money episode #007. Do $118 yoga pants make you happier? Lifestyle creep and lifestyle satisfaction
- Inside Out Money episode #024 – The surprising truth of early retirement – 500 days early retired
- Inside Out Money episode #003 – How and why to invest in index funds
- Inside Out Money episode #025 – Our biggest financial regrets and what we’d have done differently
- Inside Out Money episode #005 – Reflections on one year of early retirement
- Inside Out Money episode #006 – 10 Foundations of personal finance
- Inside Out Money episode #004 – The easiest way to be thin and rich
- Inside Out Money episode #021 – What is enough?
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