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067. Two investment metrics you should understand – CAPE ratio and SORR
Jul 21, 2024

Understanding the CAPE (Cyclically Adjusted Price-to-Earnings) ratio and SORR (Sequence of Returns Risk) matters if you’re investing in the stock market and making future plans based on those investments. These metrics provide a stable benchmark for valuation and can help identify market bubbles or periods of undervaluation; they’re important to understand and can help inform your future plans.  


Andrew joins this week’s podcast as we talk about:

– What CAPE ratio and SORR stand for and how to calculate them

– How CAPE ratio is different from the standard P/E ratio

– The methodology behind the CAPE ratio calculation and SORR

– Why you’d want to understand these metrics

– How these metrics might influence your early retirement plans and timing

– Strategies to mitigate SORR


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