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#080. We’re all going to die, so let’s talk about life insurance
Oct 20, 2024

We discuss everything you ever needed and wanted to know about life insurance. We share why life insurance is important even if you think you don’t need it, how much you need, how to shop around for it, the process of applying for it, and much more. We even share some next-level tips for getting the best rates.

Liz joins this week’s podcast as we talk about:

– Why life insurance is important

– Why your job’s life insurance isn’t enough

– The types of life insurance and which type you need

– How much life insurance do people need, and how do you decide how much you need

– How long of a policy you need

– How to choose a plan and shop for it

– Tips for getting the best rates

– The laddering concept and how it could save you money

– Rewriting the lyrics to Jump Around for life insurance (you’re welcome!)


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